Java Program to Subtract the Two Matrices

In this post, you will see how to Subtract the two Matrices in Java. Here, we will show you two examples, one with two static matrices, and another one with dynamic matrices.

Rules for the Subtraction of the two Matrices:

  1. The matrix subtraction can be done when the dimensions of matrices are the same.
  2. Matrix subtraction is the operation of subtracting two matrices by subtracting the corresponding entries.
  3. The resultant matrix dimension will be the same as matrix1 and matrix2.

Matrix Subtraction Example:

Java Program to Subtract the Two Matrices

Example-1: Subtract two Matrices in Java

package com.javacodepoint.array.multidimensional;

 * Matrix Subtraction Example
public class SubtractTwoMatrix {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// Declare and Initialize 
		// two Matrices of dimension 3x2
		int matrix1[][] = { { 1, 2 }, 
							{ 3, 4 }, 
							{ 5, 6 } 
		int matrix2[][] = { { -1, 2 }, 
							{ 2, -4 }, 
							{ 1, 9 } 
		// Declare third matrix of same dimension 3x2
		// to store the subtraction of two matrices
		int matrix3[][] = new int[3][2];
		// Subtract two matrices
		for (int i = 0; i < matrix1.length; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < matrix1[0].length; j++) {
				matrix3[i][j] = matrix1[i][j] - matrix2[i][j];

		// Print the result matrix
		System.out.println("The resultant Matrix3 =>");
		for (int i = 0; i < matrix3.length; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < matrix3[0].length; j++) {
				System.out.print(matrix3[i][j] + "  ");
			// move cursor to new row/line




The resultant Matrix3 =>
2 0
1 8
4 -3

Example-2: Subtraction of two Matrices using Scanner in Java

package com.javacodepoint.array.multidimensional;

import java.util.Scanner;

 * Matrix Subtraction Example using Scanner
public class SubtractTwoMatrix2 {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// Declare variables for matrix dimension
		int row1, col1, row2, col2;

		// Creating scanner object for reading user input
		Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

		System.out.println("Enter the first matrix dimension,");
		System.out.print("Row= ");
		row1 = sc.nextInt();
		System.out.print("Column= ");
		col1 = sc.nextInt();

		System.out.println("Enter the second matrix dimension,");
		System.out.print("Row= ");
		row2 = sc.nextInt();
		System.out.print("Column= ");
		col2 = sc.nextInt();

		if (row1 != row2 || col1 != col2) {
			System.out.println("Subtraction of Matrices is not possible. Dimensions of both matrices should match!");

		// Declare three Matrices
		int matrix1[][] = new int[row1][col1];
		int matrix2[][] = new int[row2][col2];
		int matrix3[][] = new int[row1][col1]; // can be take row2/col2 as well

		// Read the user inputs for matrix1
		System.out.println("Enter Matrix1 (" + row1 + "x" + col1 + "),");
		for (int i = 0; i < row1; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < col1; j++) {
				System.out.print("Enter value for [" + i + "][" + j + "]= ");
				matrix1[i][j] = sc.nextInt();

		// Read the user inputs for matrix2
		System.out.println("Enter Matrix2 (" + row1 + "x" + col1 + "),");
		for (int i = 0; i < row2; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < col2; j++) {
				System.out.print("Enter value for [" + i + "][" + j + "]= ");
				matrix2[i][j] = sc.nextInt();

		// Subtract two matrices
		for (int i = 0; i < row1; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < col1; j++) {
				matrix3[i][j] = matrix1[i][j] - matrix2[i][j];

		// Print the result matrix
		System.out.println("The resultant Matrix3 (" + row1 + "x" + col1 + "),");
		for (int i = 0; i < row1; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < col1; j++) {
				System.out.print(matrix3[i][j] + "  ");
			// move cursor to new row/line




Enter the first matrix dimension,
Row= 3
Column= 3
Enter the second matrix dimension,
Row= 3
Column= 3
Enter Matrix1 (3×3),
Enter value for [0][0]= 1
Enter value for [0][1]= 2
Enter value for [0][2]= 3
Enter value for [1][0]= 4
Enter value for [1][1]= 5
Enter value for [1][2]= 6
Enter value for [2][0]= 7
Enter value for [2][1]= 8
Enter value for [2][2]= 9
Enter Matrix2 (3×3),
Enter value for [0][0]= 1
Enter value for [0][1]= 2
Enter value for [0][2]= 3
Enter value for [1][0]= 1
Enter value for [1][1]= 2
Enter value for [1][2]= 3
Enter value for [2][0]= 1
Enter value for [2][1]= 2
Enter value for [2][2]= 3
The resultant Matrix3 (3×3),
0 0 0
3 3 3
6 6 6

See also:
Java Program to Add the Two Matrices.
Java Program to Find the Sum of an Array.
Java Program to Count the Number of Vowels in a String.

Java logical programs list

Java Basic Programs

Java String Programs

Java String Array Programs

Java Miscellaneous Programs

Java Programs based on the Collection Framework

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