Interpolation Search in Java with Examples

Interpolation Search is an optimized searching algorithm for sorted datasets that works by estimating the position of the target element based on the values at the boundaries. It assumes that the dataset is uniformly distributed and calculates the probable position of the key using the formula:

Interpolation Search

Unlike Binary Search, which always checks the middle, Interpolation Search adjusts the position dynamically based on the key’s proximity to boundary values. It performs best with large, uniformly distributed data, achieving an average time complexity of O(log ⁡log⁡n).

How Interpolation Search Works?

Here’s how it works step by step:

1. Initialization:
Start with two-pointers, low and high, representing the start and end of the dataset.

2. Estimate the Position:
Calculate the position of the key using the formula:

Interpolation Search

This formula predicts the position of the key by proportionally dividing the range between low and high based on the key’s value.

3. Comparison:

  • If the key matches the value at array[pos], the search is successful, and the index is returned.
  • If the key is smaller than array[pos], adjust the high pointer to pos - 1 and search the left subarray.
  • If the key is larger than array[pos], adjust the low pointer to pos + 1 and search the right subarray.

4. Repeat: Continue recalculating pos and narrowing down the search range until:

  • The key is found.
  • The search range becomes invalid (low > high) or the key is outside the range.

5. Return Result: If the key is found, return its index; otherwise, return -1.

Interpolation Search Java Program Examples

In this article, we’ll explore Interpolation Search through two Java programs: a basic example for numeric arrays and an advanced implementation for searching within custom object lists.

1. Interpolation Search Basic example

This program example demonstrates an Interpolation Search for a sorted array of integers.


public class BasicInterpolationSearch {
	public static int interpolationSearch(int[] array, int key) {
		int low = 0;
		int high = array.length - 1;

		while (low <= high && key >= array[low] && key <= array[high]) {
			if (low == high) {
				if (array[low] == key)
					return low;
				return -1;

			// Estimate position
			int pos = low + ((key - array[low]) * (high - low)) / (array[high] - array[low]);

			// Check if the key is found
			if (array[pos] == key) {
				return pos;

			// If the key is larger, search the right side
			if (array[pos] < key) {
				low = pos + 1;
			} else { // If the key is smaller, search the left side
				high = pos - 1;
		return -1; // Key not found

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int[] numbers = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 };
		int key = 70;

		int result = interpolationSearch(numbers, key);

		if (result != -1) {
			System.out.println("Element found at index: " + result);
		} else {
			System.out.println("Element not found.");

Element found at index: 6

2. Interpolation Search Advanced Program Example

This advanced program example applies the algorithm to a list of custom Product objects, enabling a search based on the price property.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;

class Product {
	private int price;
	private String name;

	public Product(int price, String name) {
		this.price = price; = name;

	public int getPrice() {
		return price;

	public String toString() {
		return "Product{name='" + name + "', price=" + price + "}";

public class AdvancedInterpolationSearch {
	public static int interpolationSearch(List<Product> products, int key) {
		int low = 0;
		int high = products.size() - 1;

		while (low <= high && key >= products.get(low).getPrice() && key <= products.get(high).getPrice()) {
			if (low == high) {
				if (products.get(low).getPrice() == key)
					return low;
				return -1;

			// Estimate position
			int pos = low + ((key - products.get(low).getPrice()) * (high - low))
					/ (products.get(high).getPrice() - products.get(low).getPrice());

			// Check if the key is found
			if (products.get(pos).getPrice() == key) {
				return pos;

			// If the key is larger, search the right side
			if (products.get(pos).getPrice() < key) {
				low = pos + 1;
			} else { // If the key is smaller, search the left side
				high = pos - 1;
		return -1; // Key not found

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		List<Product> products = new ArrayList<>();
		products.add(new Product(100, "Laptop"));
		products.add(new Product(200, "Smartphone"));
		products.add(new Product(300, "Tablet"));
		products.add(new Product(400, "Smartwatch"));

		int key = 300;

		// Sort products by price

		int result = interpolationSearch(products, key);

		if (result != -1) {
			System.out.println("Product found: " + products.get(result));
		} else {
			System.out.println("Product not found.");

Product found: Product{name=’Tablet’, price=300}

Key Points

  1. Requirements: The dataset must be sorted and preferably uniformly distributed.
  2. Efficiency:
    • Best case: O(log ⁡log⁡n).
    • Worst case: O(n), when the data is highly skewed.

You can explore other search algorithms like Linear Search, Binary SearchFibonacci SearchExponential SearchTernary Search, and Jump Search.

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Java Programs based on the Collection Framework

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