Dynamically create a drop-down list with jQuery

In this article, you will learn how to create a drop-down list (Combo box) dynamically using jQuery. The combo box is something that is created using <select> and <option> tag of HTML. Sometimes we are required to create options that come from somewhere else dynamically (run-time). This article shows you multiple examples to create a dynamic combo box using jQuery.


To create a dynamic drop-down combo or drop-down list, let’s assume we have a dynamic JSON array that contains the country list data (code, name) as follows:

	"name":"United Kingdom"
	"name":"United States"

how to create a dynamic select option in jQuery?

Let’s assume we will create a dynamic select option or drop-down list on a button click. Here, we will see multiple examples based on country data formats. For all the examples we will be having the common HTML, only Javascript code will change.


<button id="btn-generate-combo">Create Dynamic Dropdown List</button>	
<!-- container to load dynamic dropdown list -->
<div id="dropdown-container"></div>

Example-1. (Dynamic combo-box using string Array)

Let’s assume we have country data in the form of a string array as follows:

var countries = ["Australia","France","India","Japan","United States"];

Let’s see the jQuery code for this as follows:

//country data in string array format
var countries = ["Australia","France","India","Japan","United States"];

$(document).ready(function() {
    // called on button click
    $('#btn-generate-combo').click(function() {
                id: 'country-combo',
                name: 'country'
        for (const countryName of countries) {
                value: countryName,
                text: countryName 


Example-2. (Dynamic combo-box using JSON Array)

Let’s assume we have country data in the form of a JSON array as follows:

var countries = [{
	"name":"United Kingdom"
	"name":"United States"

Now we can write the below jQuery logic according to the above JSON array country data format:

	$(document).ready(function() {
		// called on button click
		$('#btn-generate-combo').click(function() {	 			
			var select = $('<select>')
				.prop('id', 'country-combo')
                .prop('name', 'country');
			$(countries).each(function() {
				.prop('value', this.code)

Example-3. (Alternative)

This example is the alternative to the above example 2.

	$(document).ready(function() {
		// called on button click
		$('#btn-generate-combo').click(function() {	 			
			var select = $('<select id="country-combo" name="country">');
			var options ='';
			$(countries).each(function() {
				var code = this.code;
				var name = this.name;
				select.append('<option value="'+code+'">'+name+'</option>');


In this article, you have seen programmatically create a dropdown list using jQuery from the JSON data format. You can learn the same using pure javascript here Create a dynamic SELECT drop-down list (combo-box) in JavaScript.

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