Java Collections Framework MCQs

21.) What is the primary purpose of the java.util.Collections class in Java?

A) To create new collections
B) To perform various utility operations on collections
C) To provide a base class for all collections
D) To define standard collection interfaces

Answer: Option B

Explanation: The java.util.Collections class provides various utility methods for working with collections.

22.) In a HashSet, how are elements accessed?

A) By an index
B) By a key
C) By a hash code
D) By order of insertion

Answer: Option C

Explanation: In a HashSet, elements are accessed by their hash code.

23.) What is the key characteristic of a HashSet regarding element ordering?

A) Maintains elements in natural order
B) Maintains elements in the order of insertion
C) Sorts elements in ascending order
D) No specific order is guaranteed

Answer: Option D

Explanation: HashSet does not guarantee any specific order for elements.

24.) In the context of Java collections, what does “fail-fast” behavior refer to?

A) Collections that are prone to memory leaks
B) Collections that are inefficient for large data sets
C) Collections that throw exceptions if modified while being iterated
D) Collections that never throw exceptions

Answer: Option C

Explanation: “Fail-fast” behavior refers to collections that throw exceptions if modified during iteration.

25.) Which interface provides a way to traverse elements in a collection in a forward direction only?

A) Iterable
B) Collection
C) ListIterator
D) Iterator

Answer: Option D

Explanation: The Iterator interface allows forward traversal of elements in a collection.

26.) What is the primary advantage of using an Iterator over a traditional for loop when iterating through a collection?

A) Iterator provides better performance.
B) Iterator automatically handles concurrent modification.
C) Iterator can iterate in reverse order.
D) Iterator can be used with primitive data types.

Answer: Option B

Explanation: Iterator can automatically handle concurrent modification of collections.

27.) Which collection does not support the foreach loop (enhanced for loop) for iteration?

A) ArrayList
B) LinkedList
C) HashSet
D) HashMap

Answer: Option D

Explanation: HashMap does not directly support the foreach loop for iterating over its elements.

28.) What is the alternative way to iterate over the elements of a HashMap using the foreach loop?

A) Convert the values to an ArrayList and iterate over it.
B) Use the “keySet()” method to get keys and then retrieve values.
C) Use the “entrySet()” method to access key-value pairs.
D) Iterate over the keys and retrieve values using the “get()” method.

Answer: Option C

Explanation: Using the “entrySet()” method allows iterating over key-value pairs in a HashMap.

29.) In which interface is the foreach loop (enhanced for loop) implemented for collections?

A) Iterable
B) Collection
C) Iterator
D) List

Answer: Option A

Explanation: The foreach loop is implemented for collections through the Iterable interface.

30.) Which method of the Iterator interface is used to retrieve the next element in a collection?

A) hasNext()
B) next()
C) previous()
D) get()

Answer: Option B

Explanation: The “next()” method is used to retrieve the next element in a collection using an Iterator.

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