Java Memory Management MCQs

“Java Memory Management MCQs” is an article that offers a collection of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) focused on Java’s memory management. These MCQs are designed to help Java developers improve their understanding of memory handling, garbage collection, and best practices. Whether you want to assess your knowledge, enhance your skills, or prepare for interviews, these questions provide a practical and engaging way to boost your expertise in this crucial aspect of Java programming.

1.) What is the primary purpose of the Java memory management system?

A) To allocate memory for variables and objects.
B) To control the size of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
C) To prevent memory leaks.
D) To optimize CPU usage.

Answer: Option A

Explanation: The primary purpose of Java memory management is to allocate memory for variables and objects.

2.) In Java, where are local variables and method call stack frames stored?

A) Heap memory
B) PermGen memory
C) Stack memory
D) Garbage collection memory

Answer: Option C

Explanation: Local variables and method call stack frames are stored in the Stack memory.

3.) Which memory area is responsible for storing class metadata, constants, and method information?

A) Stack memory
B) Heap memory
C) PermGen (Metaspace in Java 8+) memory
D) Garbage collection memory

Answer: Option C

Explanation: The PermGen (Metaspace in Java 8+) memory is responsible for storing class metadata, constants, and method information.

4.) What is the primary purpose of the Java Garbage Collector?

A) To allocate memory for new objects.
B) To deallocate memory for unreachable objects and reclaim it.
C) To prevent memory leaks.
D) To optimize CPU usage.

Answer: Option B

Explanation: The primary purpose of the Java Garbage Collector is to deallocate memory for unreachable objects and reclaim it.

5.) Which part of the memory is dedicated to storing object instances and arrays?

A) Stack memory
B) PermGen memory
C) Heap memory
D) Garbage collection memory

Answer: Option C

Explanation: Object instances and arrays are stored in the Heap memory.

6.) How does the Java Garbage Collector determine whether an object is eligible for garbage collection?

A) By checking the age of the object.
B) By counting the number of references to the object.
C) By examining whether the object has no references to it.
D) By checking the object’s size.

Answer: Option C

Explanation: The Java Garbage Collector determines whether an object is eligible for garbage collection by examining whether the object has no references to it.

7.) Which garbage collection algorithm is known for minimizing pause times but may require more memory?

A) Serial Garbage Collector
B) Parallel Garbage Collector
C) CMS Garbage Collector
D) G1 Garbage Collector

Answer: Option C

Explanation: The CMS (Concurrent Mark-Sweep) Garbage Collector is known for minimizing pause times but may require more memory than other algorithms.

8.) What happens when an object becomes unreachable in Java?

A) It is immediately removed from memory.
B) It becomes eligible for garbage collection.
C) It is marked as permanent.
D) It moves from Heap memory to PermGen memory.

Answer: Option B

Explanation: When an object becomes unreachable in Java, it becomes eligible for garbage collection.

9.) Which type of memory leak occurs when an application keeps creating objects without releasing them?

A) Stack memory leak
B) PermGen (Metaspace in Java 8+) memory leak
C) Heap memory leak
D) Garbage collection memory leak

Answer: Option C

Explanation: A Heap memory leak occurs when an application keeps creating objects without releasing them, causing the Heap to run out of memory.

10.) Which memory area stores objects that have class-level scope, such as static variables?

A) Stack memory
B) Heap memory
C) PermGen (Metaspace in Java 8+) memory
D) Garbage collection memory

Answer: Option B

Explanation: Objects with class-level scope, such as static variables, are stored in the Heap memory.

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