Java MCQs – Multithreading

Multithreading in Java introduces the power of concurrency, enabling programs to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. Our collection of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on Java Multithreading offers a practical way to test and enhance your knowledge. Covering various aspects of thread basics, synchronization, concurrency, thread pools, thread safety, memory model, locks, exception handling, testing, and debugging.

These MCQs serve as a valuable resource for both learning and assessment. Whether you’re getting ready for interviews or just want to get better at Java’s multithreading, these MCQs are a helpful way to learn and test your skills.

1.) What is a thread in Java?

A) A lightweight process that runs independently within a program
B) A block of code that runs concurrently with the main program
C) A method that can be called asynchronously
D) A Java class that extends the Thread class

Answer: Option A

Explanation: A thread is a lightweight process that runs independently within a program.

2.) Which method is used to start a new thread in Java?

A) run()
B) start()
C) execute()
D) spawn()

Answer: Option B

Explanation: The “start()” method is used to start a new thread in Java.

3.) In which state is a Java thread that has been created but has not yet started its execution?

A) Running
B) Blocked
C) New
D) Terminated

Answer: Option C

Explanation: A thread is in the “New” state after it has been created but before it starts its execution.

4.) What is the order of thread states in the Java thread lifecycle, from the initial state to the final state?

A) New, Running, Blocked, Terminated
B) New, Running, Waiting, Terminated
C) Running, New, Blocked, Terminated
D) Running, Blocked, Waiting, Terminated

Answer: Option B

Explanation: The order of thread states in the Java thread lifecycle is New, Runnable (or Running), Waiting, and Terminated.

5.) What is the purpose of synchronization in Java?

A) To make threads run faster
B) To prevent multiple threads from accessing shared resources simultaneously
C) To allow threads to communicate with each other
D) To terminate threads gracefully

Answer: Option B

Explanation: Synchronization is used to prevent multiple threads from accessing shared resources simultaneously, thus avoiding data corruption.

6.) Which keyword is used to create a synchronized method in Java?

A) sync
B) async
C) synchronized
D) lock

Answer: Option C

Explanation: The “synchronized” keyword is used to create synchronized methods in Java.

7.) What mechanism is used for inter-thread communication in Java?

A) Thread.sleep()
B) Thread.notify()
C) Thread.suspend()
D) Thread.stop()

Answer: Option B

Explanation: The “Thread.notify()” method is used for inter-thread communication in Java.

8.) In Java, what happens when a thread calls the “wait()” method?

A) It signals other threads to start executing.
B) It waits until another thread calls “notify()” or “notifyAll()” on the same object.
C) It terminates immediately.
D) It goes into a busy-wait loop.

Answer: Option B

Explanation: When a thread calls “wait()”, it waits until another thread calls “notify()” or “notifyAll()” on the same object to wake it up.

9.) What is a race condition in multithreaded programming?

A) A situation where two threads are synchronized perfectly
B) A situation where two threads access shared resources in an unpredictable manner
C) A situation where two threads communicate effectively
D) A situation where two threads terminate gracefully

Answer: Option B

Explanation: A race condition is a situation where two threads access shared resources in an unpredictable manner, leading to unexpected results.

10.) What is a deadlock in multithreading?

A) A situation where a thread is suspended indefinitely
B) A situation where multiple threads are competing for resources
C) A situation where a thread terminates unexpectedly
D) A situation where multiple threads are executing in parallel

Answer: Option A

Explanation: Deadlock is a situation where a thread is suspended indefinitely because it’s waiting for a resource that is held by another thread.

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