Top MCQs on Java Servlet (Advanced Java)

41.) What is the primary purpose of a URL rewriting mechanism in Java Servlets?

A) To obfuscate URL patterns for security.
B) To enhance SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
C) To enable stateless communication between the client and server.
D) To maintain session data across multiple requests.

Answer: Option D

Explanation: URL rewriting is primarily used to maintain session data across multiple requests when cookies are disabled.

42.) In a Servlet Filter, what is the purpose of the filterChain.doFilter(request, response) method call?

A) It skips the execution of the current filter and proceeds to the next filter.
B) It terminates the request processing and sends a response.
C) It handles authentication.
D) It sets response headers.

Answer: Option A

Explanation: The filterChain.doFilter(request, response) method call in a Servlet Filter allows the request to proceed to the next filter in the chain.

43.) In a Java Servlet, what is the recommended approach for handling concurrent requests?

A) Use synchronized methods in the Servlet class.
B) Use a separate thread for each request.
C) Ensure that the Servlet class is stateless.
D) Delegate request handling to a thread pool.

Answer: Option D

Explanation: The recommended approach for handling concurrent requests in a Java Servlet is to delegate request handling to a thread pool to manage resources efficiently.

44.) What is connection pooling, and why is it beneficial in a Java Servlet-based application?

A) It’s a technique to secure database connections.
B) It’s a way to optimize network connections between clients and servers.
C) It’s a mechanism to reuse and manage database connections, improving performance and resource utilization.
D) It’s a caching technique for storing session data.

Answer: Option C

Explanation: Connection pooling is a mechanism to reuse and manage database connections, which helps improve performance and resource utilization in a Java Servlet-based application.

45.) Which of the following is a best practice for optimizing the performance of a Java Servlet-based web application?

A) Using a single monolithic Servlet for all requests.
B) Minimizing the use of caching.
C) Reducing the number of threads in the Servlet container.
D) Employing efficient algorithms and data structures.

Answer: Option D

Explanation: Employing efficient algorithms and data structures is a best practice for optimizing the performance of a Java Servlet-based web application.

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