Top MCQs on JDBC (Advanced Java)

In the world of Java programming and working with databases, becoming skilled in Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is extremely important if you want to create strong and effective applications. To help Java learners get ready for interviews, we’ve put together a set of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) that cover a wide range of JDBC topics.

These questions touch on the basics of connecting to databases, running SQL commands, and handling transactions, as well as more advanced subjects like connection pooling, managing result sets, and making the best use of resources with DataSource. Whether you’re just starting out and want to build a solid understanding of JDBC or you’re an experienced developer looking to refresh your skills, these MCQs will enhance your knowledge of JDBC, getting you ready for successful Java development interviews.

1.) What does JDBC stand for?

A) Java Database Connector
B) Java Database Connection
C) Java Database Connectivity
D) Java Data Bridge Connection

Answer: Option C

Explanation: JDBC stands for Java Database Connectivity, which is a Java-based API for connecting and interacting with relational databases.

2.) Which package contains the core JDBC classes and interfaces?

A) java.util
B) java.sql
C) java.jdbc
D) java.db

Answer: Option B

Explanation: The core JDBC classes and interfaces are defined in the java.sql package.

3.) What is the primary purpose of a JDBC driver?

A) To create a database schema
B) To execute SQL queries
C) To establish a connection between Java applications and databases
D) To optimize database performance

Answer: Option C

Explanation: The primary purpose of a JDBC driver is to establish a connection between Java applications and databases.

4.) Which type of JDBC driver translates JDBC calls into database-specific calls using a middleware server?

A) Type-1 driver
B) Type-2 driver
C) Type-3 driver
D) Type-4 driver

Answer: Option C

Explanation: A Type-3 driver translates JDBC calls into database-specific calls using a middleware server.

5.) Which type of JDBC driver is also known as the “thin driver”?

A) Type-1 driver
B) Type-2 driver
C) Type-3 driver
D) Type-4 driver

Answer: Option D

Explanation: The Type-4 driver is commonly referred to as the “thin driver” because it is a lightweight driver that communicates directly with the database.

6.) Which type of JDBC driver is platform-independent but requires an ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) driver?

A) Type-1 driver
B) Type-2 driver
C) Type-3 driver
D) Type-4 driver

Answer: Option A

Explanation: Type-1 driver is platform-independent but relies on an ODBC driver to connect to the database.

7.) Which method is used to establish a database connection in JDBC?

A) DriverManager.loadDriver()
B) DriverManager.connect()
D) Connection.connect()

Answer: Option B

Explanation: The DriverManager.connect() method is used to establish a database connection in JDBC.

8.) What information is typically required to establish a JDBC connection?

A) Database name and SQL query
B) JDBC URL, username, and password
C) Database table structure
D) JDBC driver class

Answer: Option B

Explanation: To establish a JDBC connection, you typically need a JDBC URL, username, and password.

9.) Which of the following is a valid JDBC URL format for connecting to a MySQL database?

A) jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb
B) jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:mydb
C) jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=mydb
D) jdbc:postgresql://localhost/mydb

Answer: Option A

Explanation: The JDBC URL format for connecting to a MySQL database is jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb.

10.) What is the purpose of a JDBC Statement object?

A) To create a database schema
B) To execute SQL queries and retrieve results
C) To establish a connection to the database
D) To manage database transactions

Answer: Option B

Explanation: A JDBC Statement object is used to execute SQL queries and retrieve results from the database.

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