Data manipulation and querying are crucial aspects of working with databases. SQL commands like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT allow you to interact with and modify database content efficiently. Understanding the nuances of these commands, such as filtering data with WHERE, using aggregate functions (e.g., SUM, AVG), and applying joins to combine data from multiple tables, is essential for effective database management. Preparing for these topics with multiple-choice questions (MCQs) enhances your knowledge and problem-solving skills, ensuring confidence during interviews.
1.) Which command is used to add new rows to a table?
2.) What is the purpose of the UPDATE command?
3.) How do you remove a specific record from a table?
4.) Which clause is used to filter rows in a SELECT query?
5.) What does the SELECT * statement do?
6.) How do you add a new column to an existing table?
7.) How do you combine data from multiple tables?
8.) Which clause is used to combine rows with the same values?
9.) Which command is used to remove duplicate rows in a query result?
10.) How do you sort query results?