Docker MCQs – Introduction to Docker

Docker has revolutionized the software development and deployment process by introducing containers that provide consistency, efficiency, and scalability. Mastering Docker is essential for developers, DevOps engineers, and software architects who wish to excel in their careers.

These Multiple-choice Questions (MCQs) cover frequently asked questions in technical interviews and provide clarity on key concepts. Practicing these questions will build your confidence and help you answer Docker-related questions with ease.

1.) In which year was Docker initially released?

A) 2011
B) 2013
C) 2015
D) 2017

Answer: Option B

Explanation: Docker was initially released in March 2013 as an open-source project by Docker, Inc.

2.) Who is the founder of Docker?

A) Solomon Hykes
B) Brendan Burns
C) Kelsey Hightower
D) Linus Torvalds

Answer: Option A

Explanation: Docker was founded by Solomon Hykes, who initially developed it as an internal project at dotCloud, a platform-as-a-service company.

3.) What was Docker originally called during its development?

A) Container Engine
B) dotContainer
C) dotCloud
D) The Docker Project

Answer: Option C

Explanation: Docker originated as a project within dotCloud, a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) company, and was later spun off into its own product.

4.) What is the primary technology that Docker builds upon?

A) Hypervisors
B) Linux kernel features like namespaces and cgroups
C) Virtual machine emulation
D) Hardware virtualization

Answer: Option B

Explanation: Docker builds upon Linux kernel features such as namespaces (for isolation) and cgroups (for resource management), enabling lightweight containerization.

5.) What was the primary reason for developing Docker?

A) To improve hardware virtualization
B) To create a new programming language
C) To replace virtual machines entirely
D) To simplify software deployment and ensure consistency across environments

Answer: Option D

Explanation: Docker was developed to simplify software deployment by packaging applications and their dependencies in containers, ensuring consistency across different environments.

6.) What is a Docker container?

A) A physical server for running applications
B) A lightweight, standalone executable package for software
C) A virtual machine for hosting databases
D) A tool for monitoring application performance

Answer: Option B

Explanation: A Docker container is a lightweight, standalone executable package that includes everything needed to run a piece of software, such as code, runtime, libraries, and settings.

7.) What is the primary difference between Docker and virtual machines?

A) Docker uses hypervisors; VMs do not.
B) VMs are lightweight, while Docker containers are not.
C) Docker containers share the host OS, while VMs include a full OS.
D) Docker supports only Linux, while VMs support all OS types.

Answer: Option C

Explanation: Docker containers share the host OS kernel, making them lightweight compared to virtual machines, which require a full OS for each instance.

8.) What does a Docker image contain?

A) Only the application code
B) The application, its dependencies, and configuration
C) The runtime environment but not the code
D) Only configuration files

Answer: Option B

Explanation: A Docker image contains the application, its dependencies, and the configuration required to run it.

9.) Which file format is used to define a Docker image?

C) Dockerfile

Answer: Option C

Explanation: A Dockerfile is used to define the instructions for creating a Docker image.

10.) What is the main advantage of Docker?

A) Faster development cycles
B) Improved debugging tools
C) Better database management
D) Enhanced hardware performance

Answer: Option A

Explanation: Docker enables faster development cycles by providing consistent environments and simplified deployment.

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