11.) What does the HTML <figure> element represent?
A) A caption for an image or multimedia content
B) A container for multimedia content
C) A container for text content
D) A caption for a video file
12.) Which attribute is used to specify the width of a multimedia element in HTML?
A) width
B) size
C) dimension
D) scale
13.) What is the purpose of the HTML <figcaption> element?
A) To define the width of an image or multimedia element
B) To specify the loop behavior of a video or audio file
C) To provide a caption for an image or multimedia content
D) To specify the playback speed of a video
14.) Which HTML element is used to embed interactive content, such as Flash, into a webpage?
A) <object>
B) <embed>
C) <flash>
D) <interactive>
15.) What does the HTML <source> element provide?
A) A source URL for multimedia files
B) A source URL for images
C) A source URL for video files
D) A source URL for audio files
16.) Which attribute is used to specify the poster image for a video in HTML?
A) thumbnail
B) poster
C) preview
D) image
17.) What is the purpose of the HTML <track> element?
A) To specify audio tracks for a video file
B) To specify video tracks for an audio file
C) To specify subtitles, captions, or other text tracks for multimedia content
D) To specify metadata for multimedia content
18.) Which HTML attribute is used to specify the aspect ratio of a multimedia element?
A) aspect
B) ratio
C) aspect-ratio
D) aspectratio
19.) What is the purpose of the HTML <map> element?
A) To specify a list of clickable areas in an image
B) To embed audio files
C) To specify a list of selectable options in a dropdown menu
D) To define the source URL of an image
20.) Which HTML element is used to define the container for content that should be hidden or shown upon user interaction?
A) <toggle>
B) <hide>
C) <details>
D) <collapse>