21.) Which installation method is recommended for Docker on cloud servers?
A) Manual installation from binaries
B) Using cloud-specific Docker images
C) Installing Docker Desktop
D) Using virtual machines
22.) How is Docker updated on Linux systems?
A) docker update
B) Using the package manager
C) Reinstalling Docker
D) Using Docker CLI commands
23.) What is the size of the default Docker Desktop installation?
A) ~200 MB
B) ~400 MB
C) ~1 GB
D) ~2 GB
24.) What happens if Docker is installed on a system without enough disk space?
A) Docker will refuse to install.
B)Docker will install but fail to run containers.
C) Docker will prompt for manual disk space allocation.
D) Docker will disable image caching.
25.) How can you enable Docker to start automatically on Linux?
A) systemctl enable docker
B) service docker enable
C) docker –auto-start
D) enable docker boot