11.) Which networking option allows containers on separate hosts to communicate in a Swarm?
A) Bridge Network
B) Host Network
C) Overlay Network
D) None of the above
12.) What is the purpose of the docker save command?
A) To save a container’s state
B) To export an image as a tar file
C) To save logs of a container
D) To store an image in Docker Hub
13.) What does the –detach or -d flag do when starting a container?
A) Stops the container immediately
B) Runs the container in detached (background) mode
C) Enables container debugging
D) Allocates interactive shell access
14.) Which storage option allows Docker volumes to persist across host machines?
A) Bind Mounts
B) tmpfs
C) NFS or External Storage Drivers
D) Overlay Network
15.) What is the function of Docker Healthchecks?
A) To monitor CPU and memory usage
B) To validate container readiness and health
C) To check Docker daemon status
D) To enforce network security policies
16.) What is the role of namespaces in Docker?
A) To isolate resources within containers
B) To enable Swarm orchestration
C) To manage container healthchecks
D) To optimize image layers
17.) What does the –no-cache flag do during docker build?
A) Skips Dockerfile validation
B) Disables multi-stage builds
C) Cleans up image cache after building
D) Builds without using cached layers
18.) How do you enable Docker Swarm mode?
A) docker swarm create
B) docker swarm init
C) docker cluster enable
D) docker mode activate
19.) What does the docker stack ps command display?
A) Logs of a stack’s services
B) Running containers in a stack
C) Status of tasks in a stack
D) Health status of the stack
20.) What is the function of cgroups in Docker?
A) Isolates containers on a network
B) Enforces resource limits for containers
C) Validates image signatures
D) Manages Swarm secrets