CSS MCQs – Cross-Browser Compatibility and Vendor Prefixes

CSS MCQs – Cross-Browser Compatibility and Vendor Prefixes” is a topic that helps developers understand how to make websites look and behave the same across different web browsers. It covers vendor prefixes, which are shortcodes added to CSS properties to make them work on specific browsers. These prefixes help ensure that new or experimental features work properly on different browsers.

By practicing multiple-choice questions on this topic, developers can learn how to handle browser differences effectively, making their websites more accessible to users regardless of their browser. Mastering cross-browser compatibility and vendor prefixes is crucial for creating a consistent and reliable web experience for everyone.

1.) What is the purpose of vendor prefixes in CSS?

A) To target specific browsers and apply proprietary CSS features
B) To ensure consistency in CSS rendering across all browsers
C) To remove compatibility issues between different CSS versions
D) To enhance security features in CSS stylesheets

Answer: Option A

Explanation: Vendor prefixes are used to apply CSS features that are not yet standardized and are specific to certain browsers. They allow developers to experiment with new CSS properties while ensuring backward compatibility.

2.) Which vendor prefix is used for Google Chrome?

A) -moz-
B) -webkit-
C) -ms-
D) -o-

Answer: Option B

Explanation: Google Chrome uses the -webkit- prefix for its proprietary CSS features and experimental implementations.

3.) Which vendor prefix is associated with Microsoft Internet Explorer?

A) -webkit-
B) -ms-
C) -moz-
D) -o-

Answer: Option B

Explanation: Microsoft Internet Explorer uses the -ms- prefix for its specific CSS properties and features.

4.) Why is cross-browser compatibility important in CSS development?

A) To ensure consistent rendering of web pages across different browsers
B) To make web pages load faster
C) To reduce the size of CSS files
D) To enhance security features of web pages

Answer: Option A

Explanation: Cross-browser compatibility ensures that web pages appear and function consistently across various web browsers, enhancing the user experience.

5.) Which of the following is NOT a common technique for achieving cross-browser compatibility in CSS?

A) Using vendor prefixes
B) Writing browser-specific CSS files
C) Utilizing CSS resets
D) Implementing polyfills

Answer: Option B

Explanation: While writing browser-specific CSS files might solve compatibility issues, it’s not a common practice due to maintenance challenges and redundancy.

6.) What is the purpose of a CSS reset?

A) To remove all default styles applied by browsers
B) To reset the CSS properties to their default values
C) To fix compatibility issues between different CSS versions
D) To optimize CSS performance

Answer: Option A

Explanation: CSS resets aim to standardize the default styles applied by different browsers, ensuring consistent starting points for styling.

7.) Which vendor prefix is associated with Safari?

A) -o-
B) -ms-
C) -moz-
D) -webkit-

Answer: Option D

Explanation: Safari uses the -webkit- prefix for its specific CSS properties and features.

8.) What is the purpose of using polyfills in CSS development?

A) To fix bugs in CSS code
B) To remove vendor prefixes
C) To provide fallbacks for CSS features not supported by older browsers
D) To improve CSS rendering performance

Answer: Option C

Explanation: Polyfills are scripts that provide fallback functionality for CSS features not supported by older browsers, ensuring consistent rendering across different environments.

9.) What is the purpose of using feature detection libraries like Modernizr in CSS development?

A) To remove vendor prefixes from CSS code
B) To detect the browser version
C) To provide a fallback mechanism for older browsers
D) To optimize CSS performance

Answer: Option C

Explanation: Feature detection libraries like Modernizr help identify supported CSS features and provide fallback mechanisms for browsers that do not support certain features.

10.) Which CSS property is commonly associated with the use of vendor prefixes for achieving cross-browser compatibility?

A) color
B) background-color
C) border
D) transform

Answer: Option D

Explanation: Many advanced CSS properties like transform require vendor prefixes (e.g., -webkit-, -moz-, -ms-, -o-) to ensure consistent rendering across different browsers.

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