Archives: Logical Programs

Print all Negative Elements in an Array

Printing all negative elements in an array involves iterating through the array and checking if each element is less than 0. Negative numbers are then displayed as output. OUTPUT:Negative elements in the array:-5 -15 -25 Read Also: Print Odd/Even No. from an Array. | Sum of Two Arrays.

Compare Two Arrays in Java

Comparing two arrays in Java involves checking if they are equal in terms of size, order, and elements. You can use manual loops for element-by-element comparison, or depend on built-in methods like Arrays.equals() or Arrays.deepEquals() for multidimensional arrays. To determine if two arrays are equal, the following conditions must be checked: For multidimensional arrays, nested …

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Remove Element From Array in Java

Removing an element from a Java array involves creating a new array, excluding the specified element, and shifting the remaining elements as arrays are of fixed size. Alternatively, you can use ArrayList for easier element removal due to its dynamic nature. Remove Element Using a New Array This program creates a smaller array, excluding the …

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Ternary Search in Java with Examples

Ternary Search is a divide-and-conquer searching algorithm designed for sorted arrays. It works by dividing the search range into three equal parts and recursively narrowing down the range where the target element might be located. It is particularly useful for unimodal functions or when the search space is ordered and well-structured. How Ternary Search Works? …

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