JSON MCQs – JSON in Real-world Applications

JSON plays a vital role in real-world applications, powering APIs, configuration files, databases, and data interchange between systems. Understanding JSON’s real-world applications helps developers design efficient solutions and debug complex issues effectively. The following MCQs are designed to prepare you for interviews, highlighting practical JSON use cases and challenges encountered in real-world scenarios.

1.) Which of the following is a common use of JSON in web development?

A) Defining CSS styles
B) Compiling JavaScript code
C) Rendering HTML elements
D) Storing and exchanging data between client and server

Answer: Option D

Explanation: JSON is widely used to transfer data between clients and servers in web applications.

2.) What does the package.json file in a Node.js project contain?

A) The project’s CSS styles
B) Metadata about the project, dependencies, and scripts
C) A list of all JavaScript files
D) The project’s HTML templates

Answer: Option B

Explanation: The package.json file contains metadata about the Node.js project, including dependencies and scripts.

3.) Which database natively supports JSON as its data format?

B) PostgreSQL
C) MongoDB
D) SQLite

Answer: Option C

Explanation: MongoDB is a NoSQL database that stores data in a JSON-like format called BSON.

4.) What is the purpose of JSON in REST APIs?

A) To render HTML pages
B) To define API endpoints
C) To structure and exchange data between client and server
D) To validate API responses

Answer: Option C

Explanation: JSON is used in REST APIs to structure and transfer data between clients and servers.

5.) Which of the following formats can JSON be easily converted into for data visualization?

D) All of the above

Answer: Option A

Explanation: JSON data can be converted into formats like CSV, XML, and HTML for data visualization and presentation.

6.) How is JSON used in microservices architecture?

A) To define database schemas
B) To exchange data between microservices
C) To render UI components
D) To compile service code

Answer: Option B

Explanation: JSON is used in microservices to exchange structured data between individual services.

7.) Which JavaScript function converts JSON data into a format suitable for POST requests?

A) JSON.stringify()
B) JSON.parse()
C) JSON.encode()
D) JSON.compress()

Answer: Option A

Explanation: JSON.stringify() converts a JavaScript object into a JSON string, making it suitable for POST requests.

8.) What is a common use of JSON in mobile applications?

A) Compiling source code
B) Exchanging data with remote APIs
C) Defining app layouts
D) Managing memory allocation

Answer: Option B

Explanation: JSON is commonly used in mobile apps to fetch and send data via APIs.

9.) How does Firebase use JSON?

A) To manage authentication tokens
B) To render user interfaces
C) To define cloud functions
D) For real-time database storage and synchronization

Answer: Option D

Explanation: Firebase stores and synchronizes data in JSON format in its real-time database.

10.) In which cloud service is JSON commonly used for defining infrastructure as code?

A) Amazon Web Services (AWS) CloudFormation
B) Microsoft Azure
C) Firebase
D) DigitalOcean

Answer: Option A

Explanation: AWS CloudFormation commonly uses JSON (and YAML) templates for defining infrastructure as code.

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