11.) What is an expression in Java?
A) A combination of variables, literals, operators, and method calls that produces a value.
B) An access modifier that controls the visibility of a class.
C) A block of code used to define a method’s implementation.
D) A reserved keyword used to declare a variable.
12.) What is the purpose of parentheses in an expression?
A) To specify the order of evaluation.
B) To declare variables.
C) To indicate a comment in the code.
D) To control the access modifiers of methods.
13.) Which of the following is NOT a valid Java expression?
A) 2 + 0
B) “Hello, ” + “world!”
C) if (x > 0) { x = x + 1; }
D) x = 10;
14.) Which of the following operators is used to perform the left shift in Java?
15.) Which of the following is a unary logical operator in Java?