11.) What is the specificity value of the selector: body p#content?
12.) How can you override inline styles with CSS?
A) Use the !important declaration
B) Increase the specificity of the CSS rule
C) Use inline styles with higher specificity
D) Use JavaScript to remove inline styles
13.) Which of the following is the correct CSS syntax to apply a style to an ID?
A) #myID { … }
B) .myID { … }
C) ID: myID { … }
D) [myID] { … }
14.) What is the purpose of the :not() pseudo-class in CSS?
A) To select elements based on their attributes
B) To exclude specific elements from being selected
C) To select elements based on their position in the DOM
D) To select elements that are the first child of their parent
15.) Which CSS selector targets elements based on their attributes?
A) :attribute
B) [attribute]
C) .attribute
D) #attribute
16.) Which CSS selector targets only the first occurrence of an element?
A) :first-child
B) :first-of-type
C) :first-element
D) :first
17.) Which CSS selector targets the last occurrence of an element?
A) :last
B) :last-child
C) :nth-last-child
D) :last-of-type
18.) Which CSS selector targets elements that are adjacent to each other?
A) :next
B) :adjacent
C) + (adjacent sibling combinator)
D) ~ (general sibling combinator)
19.) How can you apply CSS styles to elements based on user interaction, such as hovering over them?
A) :hover selector
B) :active selector
C) :focus selector
D) All of the above
20.) How do you create a group of selectors in CSS?
A) Separate selectors with commas
B) Separate selectors with spaces
C) Separate selectors with plus signs
D) Separate selectors with semicolons