Bootstrap MCQs – Introduction to Bootstrap

21.) Which Bootstrap 5 component is used for creating buttons?

A) .btn
B) .button
C) .bootstrap-button
D) .btn-style

Answer: Option A

Explanation: The .btn class is used to style buttons in Bootstrap.

22.) Which Bootstrap 5 component is used for creating a responsive navigation bar?

A) .nav
B) .navbar
C) .menu
D) .navigation-bar

Answer: Option B

Explanation: The .navbar class is used to create responsive navigation bars.

23.) Which CSS preprocessor is used in Bootstrap 5?

A) Sass
D) Stylus

Answer: Option A

Explanation: Bootstrap 5 uses Sass (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) instead of LESS.

24.) Bootstrap 5 uses which JavaScript library for positioning tooltips and popovers?

A) jQuery
B) Popper.js
C) React
D) None – it uses vanilla JS

Answer: Option B

Explanation:Popper.js is still used for positioning dynamic components.

25.) Which of the following is NOT a valid Bootstrap breakpoint?

A) sm
B) md
C) xxs
D) xl

Answer: Option C

Explanation: Bootstrap 5 does not have an xxs breakpoint. The smallest breakpoint is xs.

26.) What is the major advantage of Bootstrap 5 over previous versions?

A) Removal of jQuery
B) Improved customization with the Utility API
C) Better performance and lightweight framework
D) All of the above

Answer: Option D

Explanation: Bootstrap 5 removes jQuery, improves customization with Utility API, and enhances performance.

27.) Which method is used to include Bootstrap icons in Bootstrap 5?

A) FontAwesome
B) Google Fonts
C) Bootstrap Icons
D) Glyphicons

Answer: Option C

Explanation: Bootstrap 5 introduced Bootstrap Icons, replacing the previously used Glyphicons.

28.) What is the purpose of Bootstrap’s Utility API?

A) Customizing Bootstrap styles without modifying core files
B) Creating new components
C) Adding animations
D) None of the above

Answer: Option A

Explanation: The Utility API allows developers to customize Bootstrap easily using utilities without modifying source files.

29.) Which of the following browsers is NOT supported in Bootstrap 5?

A) Chrome
B) Firefox
C) Internet Explorer
D) Edge

Answer: Option C

Explanation: Bootstrap 5 dropped support for Internet Explorer for better performance and modern browser support.

30.) What is the main advantage of Bootstrap’s mobile-first approach?

A) It prioritizes mobile design before scaling up to larger screens
B) Websites load faster on mobile devices
C) It only works on mobile devices
D) It reduces the need for responsive design

Answer: Option A

Explanation: Bootstrap’s mobile-first approach ensures that designs are optimized for smaller screens first and then progressively enhanced for larger devices.

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