Bootstrap MCQs – Grid System

21.) Which class is used to align columns at the bottom of a row?

A) .align-bottom
B) .align-items-end
C) .align-self-bottom
D) .align-row-bottom

Answer: Option B

Explanation: The .align-items-end class aligns columns at the bottom of the row.

22.) How can you make a column invisible on small screens?

A) .col-hidden-sm
B) .hide-sm
C) .d-none d-sm-block
D) .d-hide

Answer: Option C

Explanation: .d-none d-sm-block hides the column on extra-small screens but shows it on small+ screens.

23.) Which Bootstrap class is used for responsive column order?

A) .order-*
B) .col-order-*
C) .col-move-*
D) .grid-order-*

Answer: Option A

Explanation: The .order-* classes rearrange column positions based on screen size.

24.) Which class in Bootstrap ensures columns have equal height in a row?

A) .equal-height
B) .align-items-stretch
C) .row-height-auto
D) .col-height

Answer: Option B

Explanation: The .align-items-stretch class ensures that all columns in a row have equal height, even if their content differs.

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