21.) How do you make a form input full-width in Bootstrap?
A) .full-width
B) .form-wide
C) .w-100
D) .input-expand
22.) What is the correct way to create a floating label for an input field in Bootstrap?
A) Use .floating-label
B) Use .form-floating with <label>
C) Use .form-label-top
D) Use .float-label
23.) What Bootstrap class is used to style a disabled input field?
A) .input-disabled
B) .form-control-disabled
C) .disabled
D) disabled attribute
24.) How can you add a search icon inside a Bootstrap input field?
A) Use .input-group with <i class=”bi bi-search”> </i>
B) Use .form-search
C) Apply .icon-input
D) Use .form-icon
25.) Which Bootstrap class is used to create a file upload input field?
A) .form-upload
B) .file-control
C) .form-file
D) .form-control with type=”file”
26.) How do you make a Bootstrap input field display a placeholder?
A) .form-placeholder=”Text”
B) .placeholder=”Text”
C) placeholder=”Text” attribute
D) .input-text=”Text”