Bootstrap MCQs – Bootstrap Customization

Bootstrap customization allows developers to modify styles, override defaults, and enhance the framework for unique designs. It involves changing variables, using SASS, modifying themes, and optimizing Bootstrap components. Customization is crucial for branding, performance, and flexibility, making it a key skill for developers.

These top MCQs will help you prepare for technical interviews by covering key topics related to Bootstrap customization, theming, and SASS integration.

1.) What is the primary method to customize Bootstrap styles?

A) Editing Bootstrap’s core CSS file
B) Using jQuery to change class properties
C) Using JavaScript to modify styles
D) Overriding Bootstrap classes in a separate CSS file

Answer: Option D

Explanation: Directly editing Bootstrap’s core files is not recommended. Instead, you should override classes in a separate CSS file.

2.) Which preprocessor is used for customizing Bootstrap?

C) Stylus
D) PostCSS

Answer: Option B

Explanation: Bootstrap 5 uses SASS (SCSS syntax) for customization, making it easier to modify styles using variables and mixins.

3.) Where are Bootstrap’s default style variables defined?

A) _variables.scss
B) bootstrap.css
C) theme.css
D) variables.json

Answer: Option A

Explanation: Bootstrap defines its default variables inside _variables.scss, which developers can override for customization.

4.) How do you change the primary color in Bootstrap 5?

A) Modify _colors.scss
B) Override $primary in a custom SCSS file
C) Use JavaScript to set a new primary color
D) Add a new .primary class in CSS

Answer: Option B

Explanation: $primary is a SASS variable that controls the primary color. You can override it before importing Bootstrap styles.

5.) How do you include only specific Bootstrap components in a project?

A) Remove unused classes from bootstrap.css
B) Manually delete CSS from Bootstrap files
C) Import only required SCSS components
D) Use Bootstrap CDN with selective loading

Answer: Option C

Explanation: With SCSS, you can import only the needed components, reducing file size and improving performance.

6.) QuestioWhat file should be modified to use custom Bootstrap fonts?n

A) _variables.scss
B) bootstrap.css
C) fonts.scss
D) typography.css

Answer: Option A

Explanation: The font family in Bootstrap is controlled by the $font-family-base variable in _variables.scss.

7.) Which SASS variable controls the default Bootstrap border radius?

A) $radius-base
B) $border-radius
C) $border
D) $corner-radius

Answer: Option B

Explanation: The $border-radius variable defines the default rounded corners for elements like buttons and cards.

8.) Which method is best for applying a custom theme in Bootstrap?

A) Overriding CSS classes after Bootstrap is loaded
B) Modifying Bootstrap’s core files
C) Using SASS variables before importing Bootstrap
D) Writing inline styles in HTML

Answer: Option C

Explanation: The best way to apply a custom theme is to override SASS variables before importing Bootstrap.

9.) How do you remove unused Bootstrap styles for better performance?

A) Manually delete unused CSS
B) Remove Bootstrap and write custom CSS
C) Minify Bootstrap
D) Use a tool like PurgeCSS

Answer: Option D

Explanation: PurgeCSS removes unused styles, reducing file size and improving website performance.

10.) What is the main benefit of using Bootstrap’s theming system?

A) Faster page load
B) Greater flexibility in design
C) No need for JavaScript
D) Automatic responsiveness

Answer: Option B

Explanation: Bootstrap’s theming system allows for easy style customization while maintaining consistency across projects.

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