This post contains top MCQs on “JSON Syntax and Basics” with answers and explanations. These questions are designed to help you strengthen your understanding and prepare for technical interviews effectively.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) syntax forms the foundation for working with this popular data format. Knowing the rules of JSON syntax and understanding the basics, such as data types, key-value pairs, and arrays, is essential for software developers. These concepts are critical for handling APIs, configuring applications, and working with databases.
1.) What type of data does a JSON object contain?
2.) Which of the following is NOT valid in JSON?
3.) Which of these is NOT true about JSON?
4.) What is used to enclose JSON keys?
5.) How are elements in a JSON array separated?
6.) Which of the following JSON data types is valid?
7.) Which of these is NOT a valid JSON value?
8.) What is the correct syntax for a JSON object?
9.) Which character is used to enclose a JSON array?
10.) How do you represent a null value in JSON?