11.) Which company acquired Sun Microsystems, becoming the new steward of Java?
Answer: Option B
12.) When Oracle Corporation acquired the company Sun Microsystems?
Answer: Option D
13.) Java’s bytecode, which allows Java programs to be executed on any platform with a compatible Java Virtual Machine (JVM), was introduced in which version of Java?
Answer: Option B
14.) Which version of Java introduced the “Java Platform, Enterprise Edition” (Java EE) to support enterprise-level applications?
Answer: Option B
15.) Which version of Java introduced significant improvements with the introduction of “enhanced for loop” and “autoboxing”?
Answer: Option A
16.) The release of which version of Java marked a significant change in the way Java versions were named, moving to a new versioning scheme?
Answer: Option C
Java logical programs list
Java Basic Programs
- Java Hello world program
- Java Program to Add two Numbers
- Java Program to Subtract two Numbers
- Java Program to Multiply two Numbers
- Java Program to Check Whether a Number is Even or Odd.
- Check whether a character is a Vowel or Consonant.
- Java Program to find Average of Two Numbers
- Java Program to find Average of Three Numbers
- Java Program to find the Area of Square
- Java Program to Calculate Simple Interest
- Java Program to Calculate Compound Interest
- List of basic logical programs in Java
- How to print a Fibonacci series up to a given number in Java?
- How to calculate the factorial of a given number in java?
- How to check whether an integer number is a prime number or not in java?
- How to check whether a number is a perfect number or not in java?
- How to check whether a number is an Armstrong number or not in java?
- How to reverse a number in Java?
- How to check whether a number is a Palindrome number or not in Java?
- How to swap two numbers without using a third variable in Java?
- How to reverse a string without using the reverse() method in java?
- How to check whether a String is a Palindrome or not in java?
- How to count characters from the string in java?
- How to check if two strings are anagrams of each other?
- How to count the occurrence of the given character in a string in java?
- How to swap two strings without using the third variable in java?
- Searching Algorithms in Java with Examples
Java String Programs
- String length without using length() method.
- Count the Number of Vowels in a String.
- Swap two strings without using the third variable.
- Reverse a string without using the reverse() method.
- Reverse the words in a given string sentence
- Check whether a String is a Palindrome or not in Java.
- Count characters from the string in Java.
- Count the number of words in the String.
- Check if the two strings are anagrams of each other.
- Count the occurrence of the given character in a string.
- Find the Maximum Occurring Character in a String
- Find the First non-repeating Character in a given String
- Remove all Duplicates from a given String
- Remove a given character from the String
- Find the Sum of Digits in a String.
- Compare two Strings in Java.
- String Permutations Program in Java
- Combinations of String in Java
Java String Array Programs
- Find Palindrome Strings in an Array
- Count Vowels in Each String in the Array
- Find Duplicate Strings
- Find Strings of Maximum Length
- Find Strings Starting with a Vowel
- Find Strings Containing a Substring
- String Permutations in an Array
- Find Strings Ending with a Specific Character
- Find Strings Containing Only Numbers
- Remove Strings Containing a Substring
- Find the Longest Common Prefix in an Array
- Check for Unique Characters in an Array
- Concatenate Strings by Delimiter
- Split Strings by Delimiter
- Find Common Strings from Two Arrays
- Merge and Sort Two Arrays of Strings
Java Pattern Printing Programs
Java Array-Based Programs
- Find the Length of an Array
- Get Array Input
- Different Ways to Print an Array
- Print all Negative Elements in an Array.
- Find GCD of N Numbers
- Copy an Array
- Merge Two Arrays.
- Sum of Two Arrays.
- Print Odd/Even No. from an Array.
- Put Even and Odd Elements in 2 Separate Arrays
- Find the Sum of an Array
- Sum of Even Numbers in an Array.
- Average of Odd/Even Numbers in Array.
- Count Even and Odd numbers in Array
- Calculate Average Using Array
- Find the Smallest Number in an Array.
- Find the Largest Number in an Array.
- 2nd Largest Number in an Array.
- Remove duplicate elements in an Array.
- Remove odd numbers from an array Java.
- Add Element to Array in Java.
- Insert Element at Specific Position
- Remove Element From Array in Java
- Count Repeated Elements in an Array
- Compare Two Arrays in Java
- Reverse an Array in Java
- Searching in Java with Examples
Multi-Dimensional Array Programs
- Print Matrix or 2D Array.
- Read a Matrix from the User.
- Add the Two Matrices.
- Subtract the Two Matrices.
- Matrix Multiplication.
- Identity Matrix Program.
- Symmetric Matrix Program.
- Find the Transpose of a Matrix.
- Find the Smallest Element in a Matrix.
- Find the Largest Element in a Matrix.
- Search Matrix in Java.
- The sum of Diagonals of a Matrix.
Java Sorting Programs
Java Conversion Programs
Java Miscellaneous Programs
Java Programs based on the Collection Framework
- ArrayList Manipulation: add, remove Elements, find size
- Write a Java program to reverse a List without using the built-in Collections.reverse() method.
- Find duplicate elements in an ArrayList
- Implement a Java program to sort an ArrayList of integer numbers.
- Implement a Java program to sort an ArrayList of custom objects based on a specific attribute.
- Create a stack using an ArrayList and implement push, pop, and peek operations.
- Convert an ArrayList of strings into a string array.
- Write a Java program to remove all elements from an ArrayList that are greater than a certain value.
- Write a Java program to remove duplicates from an ArrayList while preserving the original order.
- Write a Java program to find the common elements in two given ArrayLists.
- ArrayList partition into two separate lists of odd/even numbers.
- Write a program that extracts a sublist from an ArrayList, given a start and end index.
- Merge two sorted ArrayLists into a single sorted ArrayList.
- Find unique string in ArrayList with its frequency
- Write a program to swap the positions of two elements in an ArrayList given their indices.
- Write a program to Create a Custom LinkedList in Java
- Write a Java program for Basic Queue Implementation using LinkedList
- Write a Java program to create a PriorityQueue to manage a to-do list