Bootstrap provides a wide range of reusable UI components, such as alerts, buttons, modals, carousels, and tooltips, that help developers create responsive and interactive web applications quickly. Understanding these components is essential for interview preparation and real-world web development. The following Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) will test and enhance your knowledge of Bootstrap Components.
1.) Which Bootstrap class is used to create a button?
2.) What class is used to create a primary button in Bootstrap?
3.) How do you apply different colors to alerts in Bootstrap?
4.) Which Bootstrap component is used to create a modal dialog box?
5.) What is the correct way to dismiss a Bootstrap alert?
6.) Which Bootstrap class is used to create a badge?
7.) What is the role of the .navbar-toggler class?
8.) Which class is used to add a header inside a Bootstrap card?
9.) How do you add a footer to a Bootstrap card?
10.) What Bootstrap class is used to create a carousel slider?